Archived News

Conference Announcements (2010)

Plutonium Futures September 19-23, 2010 – Keystone, CO International LWR Fuel Performance Meeting September 26-29, 2010 – Orlando, FL ANS Winter Meeting November 7 – 11, 2010  Las Vegas, NV 2010 ANS Student Conference April 14 – 17, 2011  Georgia Institute of Technology ANS Annual Meeting June 26 – 30, 2011 Hollywood,...

Topical Meetings Sponsored by MSTD (2010)

MSTD Regularly Sponsors or Co-sponsors several topical meetings. The International Conference on Environmental Degradation is held every other year and has rotated between three societies with ANS last sponsoring the 14th meeting in August 2009 in Virginia Beach, VA. ANS will next sponsor the meeting in 2015. The International LWR Fuel Performance Meeting is held each year and presently rotates between the U.S. (sponsored by ANS), Europe (branded as the Top Fuel Meeting), andAsia. The U.S./ANS primary sponsorship rotates between MSTD and Fuel Cycle and Waste Management Division of ANS. MSTD will next sponsor the meeting September 26-29, 2010 in Orlando, FL. Some recent meetings include Orlando, FL (2004), Kyoto, Japan (2005), Salamanca, Spain (2006), San Franciso, CA (2007), Seoul, Korea (2008), and Paris (2009) held in conjunction with Global 2009. The Nuclear Fuels and Structural Materials for the Next Generation Nuclear Reactors (NFSM) was first held in 2006 and then in 2008 and 2010. The topical meeting is jointly sponsored by MSTD and Fusion Energy Division. Plutonium Futures to be held next September 19-23, 2010 in Keystone, CO. Earlier meetings have included: Dijon, France in 2008, Asilomar, Pacific Grove, California in 2006, Albuquerque, New Mexico in 2003, Santa Fe, New Mexico in 2000, Santa Fe, New Mexico in...

2010 Awards Luncheon – Annual Meeting – San Diego, CA

An Awards Luncheon was held on Wednesday, June 16th 2010.  Award recipients can be found at: awards. The speaker for the luncheon was Dr. Ted Besmann of Oak Ridge National Laboratory. His presentation was titled, Oxide Fuel Thermochemistry at High Burn-Up. The next Awards Luncheon will be held at the 2012 Annual Meeting in Chicago, IL conferring awards for the years 2010 and 2011.  Awards will be presented in the different categories detailed on this website at: awards with past recipients also listed. Please send your nominations to Jim...

Report on 14th Conference on Environmental Degradation of Materials in Nuclear Power Systems (2009)

The Fourteenth International Conference on Environmental Degradation of Materials in Nuclear Power Systems-Water Reactors was held in Virginia Beach, Virginia, August 23-27, 2009. The long-standing tradition of strong technical discussion in this bi-annual series was continued. The topics covered a wide range of degradation issues unique to nuclear reactor service, including BWR’s, PWR primary and secondary systems, low alloy steels, ziraloy, stress corrosion cracking, and operational experience. Special sessions on advanced energy systems issues and extended operation were also held. This iteration of the conference hosted 229 scientists and engineers from around the world. Power utilities, reactor vendors, regulatory bodies, national laboratories and universities were present from 18 different countries.  Over the course of the four-day meeting a large number of stimulating presentations were made (170), including several plenary sessions and a panel discussion on extended service issues. The proceedings for this meeting include 140 papers. The organizing committee and session chairmen devoted considerable time and energy to helping plan, coordinate, and direct this conference. Their efforts and advice are greatly appreciated. The students and typists from the University of Wisconsin, University of Michigan, Penn State University and Oak Ridge National Laboratory enabled the publication of the questions and answers. The American Nuclear Society provided expertise and assistance with the meeting arrangements, coordination, compilation and publication of this volume. Dave Slaninka and Ellen Leitschuh of ANS deserve special thanks for their help and patience. Todd Allen Conference General Chairman Jeremy Busby Technical Program Chairman Gabriel Ilevbare Technical Program Assistant...

Executive Committee Meeting at the 2007 Annual Meeting – Boston, MA

The meeting was held at its usually scheduled time slot of Monday evening from 7:00 to 9:00 PM.  Pictured above left to right are: Sukesh Aghara, Kenan Unlu, Steve Zinkle, Jim Cole, Rory Kennedy, Todd Allen, Ken Geelhood, Heather MacLean, Robert Hanrahan, Maria Okuniewski, Jeremy Busby, Jim Stubbins, Travis W. Knight.  Photo taken by Keith J....

2006 MSTD Awards Luncheon – Winter Meeting in Albuquerque, NM

An Awards Luncheon was held on Wednesday, November 15th 2006. Award recipients can be found at: awards. The speaker for the luncheon was Dr. Kemal Pasamehmetoglu of Idaho National Laboratory. His presentation was titled, GNEP Transmutation Fuel Development Overview. The next Awards Luncheon will be held at the 2008 Winter Meeting in Reno, NV conferring awards for the years 2006 and 2007. Awards will be presented in the different categories detailed on this website at: with past recipients also listed. Please send your nominations to Jim Stubbins...

2006 Topical Meeting: Nuclear Fuels and Structural Materials for the Next Generation Nuclear Reactors

The first Topical Meeting titled “Nuclear Fuels and Structural Materials for the Next Generation Nuclear Reactors” was held in June 2006, embedded in the ANS Annual Meeting in Reno,Nevada. This meeting, co-sponsored by MSTD and FED, was chaired by Lance Snead, Dave Petti, Madeline Feltus, and Todd Allen. The meeting consisted of 107 total presentations on fuels and materials for advanced systems. The papers from the meeting will be published in a special issue of the Journal of Nuclear Materials, to be issued in 2007. The next NFSM will take place in conjunction with the 2008 Annual Meeting...

Conference Announcements (2005)

December 4-9, 2005 12th International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials (ICFRM) Santa Barbara, CA Abstract submittal deadline has passed. March 12-16, 2006 2006 TMS Annual Meeting San Antonio, TX Symposium on Space Reactor Fuels and Materials Abstracts due July 15, 2005 Call for Papers attached June 4-8, 2006 ANS Annual Meeting Reno, NV Embedded Topical Meeting: Nuclear Fuels and Structural Materials for the Next Generation Nuclear Reactors Embedded Topical Meeting: ICAPP 06 July 9 – 13, 2006 Plutonium Futures – The Science Conference Monterey, CA November 12-16, 2006 ANS Winter Meeting Albuquerque, NM Embedded Topical Meeting on Atomistic Modeling in Nuclear Fuel...

Nuclear Fuels and Structural Materials for the Next Generation Nuclear Reactors Embedded Topical – 2006 Annual Meeting, Reno, NV

Link found at: Summaries are due January 6, 2006 for screening. Full-length papers will be due at the meeting and will be published in a special edition of Journal of Nuclear Materials (JNM). The meeting will include invited talks. The format will be one single session with a large poster session one evening (perhaps more than one if needed). Help is needed of MSTD members to review summaries and later to review full-length papers as guest editors for JNM. Volunteers should contact Todd Allen...

MSTD Luncheon at 2005 Winter Meeting in Washington (2005)

An MSTD luncheon was held on Wednesday of the 2005 Winter Meeting in Washington, DC. Attendees included: Seated (L to R): Ron Ballinger, Hannah Yount, Doug Crawford, Standing (L to R): Jim Stubbins, Sean McDeavitt, Kenan Unlu, Todd Allen, Travis W. Knight, Ken Geelhood. An awards luncheon will be held at the 2006 Winter Meeting in Albuquerque,...

MSTD Executive Committee Meeting 2000 ANS Annual Meeting – 5 June 2000

Bob Seidel, MSTD Publicity Committee Chair, took this photograph of the attendees at the MSTD Executive Committee Meeting held on Monday, 5 June 2000 at the ANS Annual Meeting in San Diego, CA. Pictured are (seated, left to right) Incoming Vice-Chair Carl Beyer (PNNL), Incoming Chair Samim Anghaie (University of Florida), University Liaison Carl Beard (University of Texas), Kenan Unlu (Cornell University), Michel Billaux (Siemens), (standing, left to right) Ron Ballinger (MIT), Publicity Chair Bob Seidel (ANL-W), Honors and Awards Chair Jim Stubbins (University of Illinois), Ken Chidester (LANL), Past-Chair Jim Tulenko (University of Florida), Chair David Senor (PNNL) and Secretary-Treasurer Jim Laidler (ANL)....

MSTD Luncheon – 1999 ANS Winter Meeting – 17 November 1999

The Materials Science and Technology Division held a luncheon on Wednesday, 17 November 1999 during the 1999 ANS Winter Meeting. The guest lecturer was Prof. Nasr Ghoniem of the University of California-Los Angeles who spoke on mechanistic modeling of irradiation damage in materials. The photographs below were taken by MSTD Publicity Committee Chair, Bob Seidel. Click on the thumbnails below to see a larger version of each photograph. The Long Beach Convention Center, site of the 1999 ANS Winter Meeting. The Long Beach Hyatt, official hotel for the 1999 ANS Winter Meeting, and site of the MSTD luncheon on 17 November 1999. Attendees at the MSTD luncheon, including (front to back) David Senor, MSTD Chair; Jim Tulenko, MSTD Past Chair; and Carl Beard, MSTD University Liaison. More attendees at the MSTD luncheon, including (back to front) Jim Stubbins, MSTD Honors and Awards Committee Chair; and Prof. Nasr Ghoniem, Guest Lecturer. Todd Allen (right), MSTD International Liaison and Global ’99 Technical Program Associate Chair presents David Senor, MSTD Chair, with a letter of appreciation and a check for a share of the conference proceeds on behalf of the Global ’99 organizing committee in recognition of significant contributions by MSTD members to the success of the meeting. Jim Stubbins, MSTD Honors and Awards Committee Chair and organizer of the luncheon, introduces the Guest Lecturer, Prof. Nasr Ghoniem of the University of California-Los Angeles Guest Lecturer Prof. Nasr Ghoniem of the University of California-Los Angeles, presents his talk on mechanistic modeling of irradiation damage in...