Report on 14th Conference on Environmental Degradation of Materials in Nuclear Power Systems (2009)

The Fourteenth International Conference on Environmental Degradation of Materials in Nuclear Power Systems-Water Reactors was held in Virginia Beach, Virginia, August 23-27, 2009. The long-standing tradition of strong technical discussion in this bi-annual series was continued. The topics covered a wide range of degradation issues unique to nuclear reactor service, including BWR’s, PWR primary and secondary systems, low alloy steels, ziraloy, stress corrosion cracking, and operational experience. Special sessions on advanced energy systems issues and extended operation were also held.

This iteration of the conference hosted 229 scientists and engineers from around the world. Power utilities, reactor vendors, regulatory bodies, national laboratories and universities were present from 18 different countries.  Over the course of the four-day meeting a large number of stimulating presentations were made (170), including several plenary sessions and a panel discussion on extended service issues. The proceedings for this meeting include 140 papers.

The organizing committee and session chairmen devoted considerable time and energy to helping plan, coordinate, and direct this conference. Their efforts and advice are greatly appreciated. The students and typists from the University of Wisconsin, University of Michigan, Penn State University and Oak Ridge National Laboratory enabled the publication of the questions and answers. The American Nuclear Society provided expertise and assistance with the meeting arrangements, coordination, compilation and publication of this volume. Dave Slaninka and Ellen Leitschuh of ANS deserve special thanks for their help and patience.

Todd Allen
Conference General Chairman

Jeremy Busby
Technical Program Chairman

Gabriel Ilevbare
Technical Program Assistant Chairman