2006 MSTD Awards Luncheon – Winter Meeting in Albuquerque, NM

2006 MSTD Awards Luncheon – Winter Meeting in Albuquerque, NM

An Awards Luncheon was held on Wednesday, November 15th 2006. Award recipients can be found at: awards.

The speaker for the luncheon was Dr. Kemal Pasamehmetoglu of Idaho National Laboratory. His presentation was titled, GNEP Transmutation Fuel Development Overview.

The next Awards Luncheon will be held at the 2008 Winter Meeting in Reno, NV conferring awards for the years 2006 and 2007. Awards will be presented in the different categories detailed on this website at: http://mstd.ans.org/awards.html with past recipients also listed.

Please send your nominations to Jim Stubbins at: jstubbin@uiuc.edu.