The Materials Science and Technology Division held a luncheon on Wednesday, 17 November 1999 during the 1999 ANS Winter Meeting. The guest lecturer was Prof. Nasr Ghoniem of the University of California-Los Angeles who spoke on mechanistic modeling of irradiation damage in materials. The photographs below were taken by MSTD Publicity Committee Chair, Bob Seidel. Click on the thumbnails below to see a larger version of each photograph.
The Long Beach Convention Center, site of the 1999 ANS Winter Meeting.

The Long Beach Hyatt, official hotel for the 1999 ANS Winter Meeting, and site of the MSTD luncheon on 17 November 1999.

Attendees at the MSTD luncheon, including (front to back) David Senor, MSTD Chair; Jim Tulenko, MSTD Past Chair; and Carl Beard, MSTD University Liaison.

More attendees at the MSTD luncheon, including (back to front) Jim Stubbins, MSTD Honors and Awards Committee Chair; and Prof. Nasr Ghoniem, Guest Lecturer.

Todd Allen (right), MSTD International Liaison and Global ’99 Technical Program Associate Chair presents David Senor, MSTD Chair, with a letter of appreciation and a check for a share of the conference proceeds on behalf of the Global ’99 organizing committee in recognition of significant contributions by MSTD members to the success of the meeting.

Jim Stubbins, MSTD Honors and Awards Committee Chair and organizer of the luncheon, introduces the Guest Lecturer, Prof. Nasr Ghoniem of the University of California-Los Angeles

Guest Lecturer Prof. Nasr Ghoniem of the University of California-Los Angeles, presents his talk on mechanistic modeling of irradiation damage in materials.